Co-Chief Executive Wolfgang Skribot leaves SM&T Group

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SEFE Marketing & Trading announced today that Chief Executive, Wolfgang Skribot, will leave the Company after more than 3 years leading the organisation.

[London, 15.11.2022] SEFE Marketing & Trading Limited (SM&T) announced today that Chief Executive, Wolfgang Skribot, will leave the Company after more than 3 years in charge of the Trading, LNG and Retail businesses and Frederic Barnaud will assume the responsibilities of sole Chief Executive.

Wolfgang has led the Company through extremely turbulent global events, including Covid 19, unprecedented market volatility, and the Ukraine crisis. Under his stewardship SM&T has changed in a fundamental way and delivered a series of extremely successful years, including two record financial performances for the Group.

As ever, the Company has remained highly competitive and 2020 saw the launch of a dedicated Energy Transition Team, along with the successful implementation of agile working, to underscore SM&T’s reputation as a market leader and an employer of choice.

In 2022, under Wolfgang’s leadership SM&T persevered under extreme duress as a result of the war in Ukraine and Russian sanctions directed at the SEFE Group leading to a cessation of supplies. For this year SM&T expects another record performance of its underlying businesses.

Wolfgang will leave with our sincere gratitude for his dedication to the success of SM&T and the wider SEFE Group and we wish him well in his future endeavours.

Contact Information:

SM&T Communications
SEFE Marketing & Trading Limited
20 Triton Street, NW1 3BF, London